Saturday, September 29, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A Conversation Between Tori and Me
Me- Yeah, it is a booger. Let me get a tissue.
Tori- It is not booger.
Me- Yes it is.
Tori- No! It is not! It is my snack!
Me- (I panic! Do I run to get the syringe!) What! Did you put something in your nose? Let me see!
Sure enough, there was a piece of cracker in her nose. Good thing it had already started to dissolve!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
A Gymnast
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A Dancer
Old Friends and New Friends
Monday, September 10, 2007
Guess What...You're Here
This was one of the points the pastor made yesterday at church.
I got it......and I am working on it.
Friday, September 7, 2007
The First Day of School....I am suddenly very home sick
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Nine Wonderful Years

Today Pete and I have been married nine years! They have gone by quickly! I remember the early days of our marriage so clearly. My-Oh-My, how things have changed! Things are a little more hectic these days. I am enjoying this part of our lives so much. Though, I will admit, that I often think of our days back at Fort Hood when we had nothing better to do than hang out with our friends. Now, those were some good times! But nothing will ever compare to our lives now that we are parents. The three little girls that God has blessed us with have brought me more joy than I could have ever imagined. I am so thankful for Pete and my girls. They are my life.
In celebrating our nine years, I will share nine things you may, or may not, know about Pete and me.
1. Pete and I have known eachother for 17 years.
2. We dated in highschool on and off for a couple of years. We started dating again in 1996 while he was a cadet at West Point and I was a student at Southwest Texas.
3. We saw eachother once a month the last two years of college. I would drive my roommates crazy with all my "counting down" until we saw eachother again.
4. There was no such thing as "unlimited long distance" back then. I would have to work an extra shift just to pay my phone bill.
5. We did quite a bit of traveling our last year in college. Besides spending time in New York and Texas, we traveled to Shreveport and New Orleans, Pensicola and Panama City Beach, and Fort Bragg, NC.
6. We were engaged in 1998 on Valentine's Day in Austin, Texas. Pete waited until the end of the night to ask. I had already made up my mind that he was not going to ask that night.
7. We were married in San Antonio on Kelly Air Force Base. Our wedding started about 25 minutes late because the MP's at the gate would not let me through. Apparently, there was some mix-up with the wedding list.
8. We have moved seven times in the last nine years.
9. This past month in New Jersey has been one of the best months of my life. I am so happy to have my family all together. I love hearing the girls ask Pete if he will eat breakfast with them in the morning. And I love seeing the girls run to him when he comes home in the evening.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
A Day in NYC
Lisa, Grant, and Alli