Monday, January 28, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
A Year and One Half
Katie is now 18 months old. It is really hard to believe that she is just about the age Tori was when she was born! Katie is so much fun. She is growing up so fast. I love this age, but I do miss her being a little baby. I mostly miss wearing her. Katie was the only baby that I wore. She lived in her sling and mei tai carrier for the first year.....too bad I did not have these with the other two. I loved my carriers and I LOVED having her so close. I loved that I that she was right there with me and I that I was still able to do things with the other girls. Katie gives great hugs and kisses. She will grunt when she gives you a tight is so cute. Katie loves, loves, loves her paci. She would walk around with one in her mouth and one in each hand all day if I let her. Katie has yet to realize that her and I are separate people.....she spends a lot of time hanging on to my leg! But in the last week or so, she has really started to be a little more independent.....which is so nice! She loves Maddie. She loves her sisters. She does a great job keeping up with them.....and she also does a great job "destroying their stuff".....the joys of having a baby sister! The other day Alli and Tori were playing doggy. Alli had Maddie's leash on Tori and Tori was crawling around as Alli pulled her along on the leash. Katie was down on the floor crawling around right beside Tori. I thought that was so cute.....she was really trying to play with them. Katie's favorite game is peek-a-boo. I feel like she is already fitting the birth order traits of being the baby of the family. According to the book, the baby is usually the "class clown" type....always wanting to make people laugh. Katie will do something silly like stick her paci in her ear to make me laugh.
A year and a half of Katie
Katie at 18 months
Thursday, January 10, 2008
A Park Day in January
A park day in January is rare for New Jersey. The girls and I definitely took advantage of the 65 DEGREE weather this week. We were able to play at the park two days in a row! Alli and Tori were both so excited to be able to wear skirts and flip-flops........boy do they miss their flip flops. It is so nice that we get these little breaks from the bone-chilling cold weather. The best part for me was not having to put on coats, hats and gloves!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A Little Laugh
Alli - Mom, what does that say?
Me - That says Melissa & Doug. It is the brand, the maker of the easel.
Alli - Oh, I don't think so. I think that those are probably the names of the elves who made it.
Tori - Mom, I was just wondering, why can Alli wipe herself after she poops and I can't?
Me - Oh Tori, I really wish you could wipe your own butt. You need to be a little bit older before you can do that.
We went to church tonight and as soon as we got out of the car, Alli said she saw a shooting star.
Me - Girls, make a wish!
Alli - I wish that MoMo can come.........and that I was Hannah Montana.
Tori - I wish that I could have a car.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Mama Always Said.......
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Back to Reality
Well life is back to normal for us. Pete is back at work after his longest vacation since starting work with JNJ. It was SO NICE having him for so long. The first week he was home, he could not stop working! During the second week, it was a lot easier for him to keep the laptop least for work purposes. Alli also starts back to school today. Her break was not very long. But it is nice to get back to our normal activities. BTW, Alli cut 5 INCHES off of her hair. I think it is a cute and sassy little do!
And here she is ..
isn't it a cute cut?
Pete had taken her to get it cut. I was very surprised at how short she cut it, but I like it. And boy does it make things a little easier in the mornings!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
We celebrated the New Year by having a nice and "fancy" dinner at home. I made my first was good! The girls put on their fancy dresses and picked out a dress for me to wear. During dinner we talked about new year resolutions. Alli said her resolution "is to start a collection of rocks or sea shells or flowers".....she needs some time to think about it. Tori said she would like to learn "how a TV goes".....hmm, ok that is interesting.
After dinner we had movie night. The girls chose candy as their movie treat. Pete had taken them earlier in the day to pick out some candy. Unfortunately, someone (I wont say who- but it wasn't me!) gave Alli too much candy. Right after the movie she threw up all over Pete.
Today we talked about our favorite memory from 2007. Alli said her favorite memory was going back to Texas for Uncle Brian and Aunt Laura's wedding. And Tori said her favorite memory was the plane ride. Alli thinks that Katie's favorite memory is MoMo coming to visit.....that was also one of everybody else's favorite. My favorite memory of 2007 is August 5th. This is the day that we flew from Texas to New Jersey. Even though I was VERY SICK from the plane ride, it is still my favorite memory. I had grown so tired of being separated from Pete. I had a ton of feelings going on inside me. I had been anticipating this day for so long. I was stressed and worried,and mostly excited. This was a huge move for me. A total life-style change. And it turns out that New Jersey is not so bad after all. Pete has two favorite memories. Getting the call from his future boss that he got the job here in New Jersey is one. And the other is me telling him that the month of August was the best month of our married life.....and it was. There is nothing better than the five of us being together.
What is your favorite memory?