Alli's birthday party was so much fun. At one point, I laughed the hardest I have laughed in a very long time! A bunch of little girls "shaking their boo-teez" (as we say in our house) and trying to follow a simple dance routine is pretty hilarious! Note to self: When in need of a good laugh, go to Libby Lu.
Alli had a blast! After getting all done up at Libby Lu, we came back to our house for pizza, cake and presents. Alli got a lot of great presents. She also received some cute clothes from her aunts. As per their request, she tried them on for everyone. And then later that night she told MoMo she needed to tell her a secret. "I did not want to hurt any ones feelings so I just pretended to like the clothes. But, MoMo, I don't like them. I only like rock star clothes." Alli only likes to wear jean skirts or jeans and t-shirts. I guess that is what rock stars wear in her mind!
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