Starting with the most important event of the trip....NO, not mine and Pete's trip to Cancun! Katie's Birthday of course! (Cancun comes in second for importance.....trips with your husband are an essential part of marriage!)
The early morning inducement appointment for Katie started with a trip to Walmart for batteries....not sure what the batteries were for....the video camera, maybe? I was five days passed my due date and already having contractions. Katie's birth was by far the easy that I felt a little guilty. Shouldn't I wait a little longer to get that epidural? Nah, I did that with Alli and Tori.....who needs pain! So after about 6 1/2 hours of "laboring" (I say "laboring" because, is it really laboring when you don't feel any of the real contractions?) Katie was born at 12:56.....I really wanted it to be 12:57 because Alli was born at 7:47am and Tori was born at 10:17am. But the nurse said she couldn't fudge on the the birth time...
Katie came out screaming, really screaming! They gave her to me right away and when I spoke to her, she immediately stopped crying and looked at me with those big blue eyes. It was the best feeling in the world!
Today, Katie loves to play with her sisters. She will follow them around and just do whatever they want her to- most of the time. Every once in awhile, her stubborn two-year old ways come out and she wont do anything they want her to. She loves to watch the movie E.T. We watched it for the first time while in San Antonio. She sat there with her eyes wide and mouth open for almost the whole movie! It was really funny! Any time E.T. was not on the screen, she would ask, "Where E.T. go?" She loves to play outside and will swing and slide all day long if I let her. She has a bit of a mean streak. She hits and pinches. Sometimes she will tense up and then bite whatever is closest to her- a table, chair, the grocery cart, her sisters, and most of the time she will bite herself. But, for the most part, she is a sweet angel. And so stinkin' cute that I can't help myself from kissing and hugging her. She also is a silly little girl. She loves to be silly and make us laugh.
So silly!
Katie came out screaming, really screaming! They gave her to me right away and when I spoke to her, she immediately stopped crying and looked at me with those big blue eyes. It was the best feeling in the world!
Today, Katie loves to play with her sisters. She will follow them around and just do whatever they want her to- most of the time. Every once in awhile, her stubborn two-year old ways come out and she wont do anything they want her to. She loves to watch the movie E.T. We watched it for the first time while in San Antonio. She sat there with her eyes wide and mouth open for almost the whole movie! It was really funny! Any time E.T. was not on the screen, she would ask, "Where E.T. go?" She loves to play outside and will swing and slide all day long if I let her. She has a bit of a mean streak. She hits and pinches. Sometimes she will tense up and then bite whatever is closest to her- a table, chair, the grocery cart, her sisters, and most of the time she will bite herself. But, for the most part, she is a sweet angel. And so stinkin' cute that I can't help myself from kissing and hugging her. She also is a silly little girl. She loves to be silly and make us laugh.
And her are some pics from her party.
so glad we are not along in the terrible two's! they have already begun for Drew, as well as the biting himself!
cute party birthday-- very cute cakes.
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