Pictures taken from Pete's phone on day two.
Day one of our super long road trip went very well!
We were driving off at exactly 5:09am - just 9 minutes later than planned. Not too bad.
We drove from Jersey to Pennsylvania to Maryland to West Virginia to Virginia and finally Tennessee.
It was a very pretty drive for the most part.
Exactly one hour and thirty minutes into our drive, Tori gave us our first, "Are we almost there?"
Our first stop was for breakfast at Chic-fil-A....we do not have one by us and miss it a lot!
There was only one spilt juice and one melt down. Not bad at all for spending 12 hours in the car! The girls are doing great! They have watched movie after movie. Any time they want a snack they get one. We have played games and sang songs. It has really been a nice trip.
We checked into our hotel and immediately put on swim suits. The girls had fun working off all of their energy in the indoor pool. I highly recommend staying at a hotel with a pool when doing a long road trip. It was so nice that they got to do something they really enjoy after being strapped in their seats all day.
Day two is off to a good start. We drove off at only 4 minutes past 5am.
The girls are watching their first movie of the day- The King and I. And Pete is driving and I am using his really cool Air Card! So cool!
The worst part about it is that I have to keep going to the back to hand the girls one thing or another. That is not a good thing for someone who gets motion sickness!
It is now, five hours into our drive, the girls are a little more restless today. They are bored with the movies and bored with the toys. We've played some games and now they are having lollipops...at 10 in the morning. I have done a lot of reading and browsing and now am getting a little car sick..UGH! My driving shift is coming up so more updates later!
You guys are too cute!! We love our Britax too!!
Swimsuits!! That's what I forgot to pack! So glad I read this before we hit the road tomorrow at 5am or shortly thereafter. We'll probably pass each other on the Interstate! Hope your trip continues to go well!
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