Thursday, February 8, 2007

Little Mama, Big Suburban

Okay, I am usually not one to brag, BUT........... I just have to!

As some of you know, I have been driving a suburban for almost a year now. We purchased this huge vehicle shortly after discovering my "ulcer" was not an ulcer, but a baby (Katie)! This vehicle is really big, but I had been driving a Tahoe and the difference between the two is only about 2 feet in the length. So anyways, what I need to brag about is that after driving this very long vehicle for almost a year, I have not hit anything or anyone. I have not even bumped my Suburban into anything while backing out or pulling into a parking space. I even park it in the garage!
A few days ago, my loving husband was backing my Suburban out of our garage. And guess what he did? He hit the side view mirror as he was backing out! Now, my loving husband is really a great driver. I think he was must have been distracted............maybe he was talking on the phone or turning on the TV for the kids. But I am just so happy that HE did it and not ME! Especially, after finding out how much it is going to cost to replace the mirror! BTW, he is THRILLED that I added this to the blog.


Jennifer said...

Oh poor Pete! I feel your pain! Totally something I would have done.

K - Remember that it these "little" moments that make great memories. Good for you to add it to the blog!

J Franklin said...

Pete, what the heck? You know, if you would just do the SMART thing and buy a Honda Odyssey, you would not have this problem!

Beaver said...

Not long after I smashed my Odyssey side mirror on the side of the garage, Dad totalled destroyed his side mirror on his NEW truck on the other side of the garage. Nipped his little remarks right in the bud . . . Helped me tremendously! And yes, those things are pricey!!