Saturday, December 6, 2008

By the way....


we did make it home safe and sound. And our trip home was just as good as the one down. The girls were fantastic in the car! We shortened our trip back and drove all the way in from Memphis! It was all Pete. The girls and I slept! I haven't had any time to update my blog. I have been trying to get back into the daily routine of things, Christmas shop, prepare for a special someone's fourth birthday, put out Christmas' decorations and deal with all the other stuff that seems to be going on right now.

The drive home really made me feel happy about living in New Jersey. Even though we are so (so very) far from home, we live in a great part of the country. It is so pretty here. And so different from what we are use to- the climate, the change of season, the people, the food, and such a neat experience for us all. And of course there is the fact that we are only an hour away from New York City, two hours from Pete's Alma Mater, and we can visit several states by driving just a few hours.

I still love Texas and still have the desire to move back there one day. Please forgive me for saying so, but until this trip, I never realized how un-pretty Texas is! I know there are a lot of pretty areas in Texas, but most of the Texas driving was not as nice as what we were seeing in the other states. But one thing is certain, it is definitely the most proud! I can not tell you how many times I saw the Texas flag on our drive through the state. It was on vehicles, billboards, homes, restaurants, shopping centers, car lots. It was every where. I love that! I love that Alli came home with a Texas flag that she made in preschool. I have been in Jersey for over a year and I am not sure that I have ever seen the NJ flag. I don't even know what it looks like. None of the girls have brought it home from school...yet. I like being from a state that is so proud. I always tell anyone who will listen that I am from Texas. I even have the Texas charm on my James Avery charm bracelet!

And here is the New Jersey flag in case you were curious. And yep, I am still pretty sure I have never seen it.



Shannan Riemer said...

While I was reading this I was thinking to myself, what in the heck does the NJ flag look like? Thanks for saving me a trip to google.

Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

Yeah - I agree with the flag comment - NV was the same way...However, if you want to see "unpretty" just drive from NV to TX - and well, it is HORRIBLE...AZ, NM, were lucky to take the route you did on your way home...When we arrived in TX - we thought it was GREEN and BEAUTIFUL!!! :) HA