Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cold IS Relative

The other day, my great friend Shannan (AKA Sammy) wrote a post titled What is Cold Anyway. She wrote about cold weather being relative. And it is so true! Today the high was 42 degrees. I was really looking forward to 42 degrees. A forecaster on one of the local news channels called for "nice" weather for today. Two years ago, I would have thought 42 degrees was really cold. Two years ago, I would have dressed my daughter in a hat and heavy coat. And today, after going to church and feeling some relief from the bitter coldness, Katie comes home and changes into this

IMG_9063 Yes, she is wearing flip flops and a leotard! A year and a half in the northeast will make 42 degrees nice!

IMG_9061 Silly Girl!

*Don't worry! I did make her come back inside and put on some more clothes! If there wasn't snow on the ground, I might have let it fly.


JKMN said...

So funny! Though I don't think a lifetime in the NE would make me think 42 deg was warm!

Shannan Riemer said...

See, it's crazy how your frame of mind changes when you realize what COLD means.

Didi said...

Just trying to catch up with everyone. Looks like y'all have been having lots of fun. Hope you are doing well.