Well, it finally happened! Alli and Tori are now sleeping in the same bed! Tori is out of her crib and sleeping on the bottom bunk with Alli. Of course, Alli is just thrilled! She HATES sleeping by herself. For the first two years of her life, she slept in our bed. Pete was in the Army at the time and spent a lot of nights in the field - so sleeping with Alli worked for us at the time. Looking back, as much as I enjoyed cuddling up with my little baby at night, sleeping with us was probably not best for her. Ever since Alli started sleeping in her own bed, bedtimes have always been a struggle. So, much to Alli's delight, Tori decided that she no longer wants to sleep in her crib and has willingly accepted Alli's invitation to sleep with her.

Alli is so happy to have her sister in her bed that she does not mind sleeping on the edge or on top of Tori's feet!
There is no way that Kathryn and Emma could sleep in the same room, much less the same bed! We tried and it did not work, Emma ended up with me for about 8 months. I think that's great that they will sleep together. Hope it stays that way for you guys!
Man, I am jealous. I think Alison would STILL be scared and I have no idea if Katelynn would be able to fall asleep with Alison in there! Maybe I will try again soon....
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