Katie just turned 7 months! I can not believe my baby will be one soon! I know- I have another 5 months before she is one, but July
will be here before we know it! She is truly a happy baby-
just very content where ever we go. She loves to be sung to.
It cracks me up because everyone knows that I can not sing- much less hold a tune. But here I am walking through HEB and singing to my baby! She just loves it so much I can't help myself.
Tori is growing up so fast! She is so much like Alli was at 2 it just amazes me.
We even got out a home movie from when Alli was Tori's age to compare the two. We registered her for preschool next year. She will go two days a week for 4 hours/day. What will I do with only one child for those 8 hours during the week???
Alli will be 5 in about 6 weeks. Now that just scares me! Five years old! And she will be going to kindergarten next year! WOW! Time really does fly when you are having fun. She is excited to go to elementary school on most days, but,
I am doing an AWESOME Bible study on the book of Daniel. It is just amazing how much you can learn from really studying God's Word. And the book of Daniel is so interesting. There is so much to learn from the Bible- the one and only 'secret' you need! (In my opinion!) Other than night, Pete is in San Fransisco -again for the next two days. The girls and I are really missing him. He is doing a lot of traveling lately. And I am still trying to recover from my HUGE loss at Scrabble with Shana. My dear -and very smart friend Shana and I have been playing Scrabble over the computer for a couple of months now. (See My Scrabble Addiction for the link!) I get ahead of her by a few points and things are looking good for me. Then I make one not so smart move and she comes up with some 7 or 8 letter word on a triple word score! Scoring like 500 points with just one word! Another lesson for the week- DO NOT PLAY ANY WORDS WITHIN 7 SQUARES OF A TRIPLE WORD SCORE WHILE PLAYING WITH SHANA!
1 comment:
Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!
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