Sunday, August 16, 2009

We're Back!

We had a great (and very long) vacation in Texas. The girls and I were gone for a whole month. It feels so good to be home! We did have a wonderful time, but I'm so glad to be back in our own home.

We survived another long road trip! And this time we had two dogs with us.

IMG_0297 The girls looked like this on and off throughout the day.

IMG_0302 It was a little tight for Maddie and Dixie, but they were able to get comfortable enough to sleep most of the way.

We spent a lot of time just hanging out with friends and family. We had a great beach vacation in Port Aransas where we celebrated Katie's third birthday, did a whole lot of swimming in San Antonio and made a quick road trip up to Dallas (our future home!) to visit friends.

We are still unsure when and exactly where we are moving. Nothing can happen until we sell our home here......and who knows when that is going to happen. I am staying positive and know that it will happen. Pete will start his new position in September. Luckily, his schedule will allow for him to work from home right here with us for a few weeks!

I have tons of pictures from the trip that I will post soon!


shannon_milinovich said...

welcome back! we missed you here in new jersey. can't wait to see pictures from your trip:)

Laura said...

I just have to tell you that those pictures make me laugh everytime I see them.