Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy 5th Birthday to Alli

Today Alli is FIVE YEARS OLD!! She was so excited about her birthday. She was sure to announce it to everyone every place we went to today. And she ran for the phone every time it rang. When she did not get to answer the phone, she made sure whoever I was talking to knew it was her birthday.
She started off her special day opening up presents. We bought her her very first piece of real jewelry, a James Avery necklace with a butterfly charm. She also got some games from Grandpa Pete (that we have already played more than once) and some new shoes and a shirt (exactly what she requested) from her Uncle Brian and soon to-be Aunt Laura. More presents to come at her birthday party this weekend.
Every Tuesday morning we go to Bible class. Even though today was Alli's birthday, I did not want to miss class. I convinced her to go by allowing her to bring in some Krispy Kreme doughnuts to share with her class. So off to Krispy Kreme's and then to Bible class. After class, she chose to go eat at McDonald's, definitely one of my least favorite places to go, but it is her birthday! So off to meet up with Daddy and then to McDonald's. We come home, play games and wait for MoMo to come over. Today is also MoMo's birthday! Alli gets to share her special day with my mom! While we are waiting for MoMo to come, Alli brings down her money from her piggy bank in a zip lock bag. This is what she wants to give MoMo for her birthday...........too cute! So we have dinner, bath time and then doughnut time! Alli made sure we had enough doughnuts for her and MoMo to have tonight. It was a great day! She is growing up so fast!


Amy said...

That's so sweet! Love the doughnuts! Happy Birthday Alli!!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Alli!! It is so amazing (and sad) how fast they grow up. We sure miss you guys. Hopefully we will be able to make it down to SA this summer for a visit. Tell MoMo happy birthday too!

Unknown said...

We hope you had a great day Alli! What am I saying - donuts??? I KNOW you had a great day!