Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Little Miss Katherine Brooke

My sweet eight month old has slept through the night now for six straight nights! That is right!! Six straight nights of a full night's sleep for me! This is so exciting because I have never had a baby sleep through the night this early. So is this it? Is she done waking up in the middle of the night to eat? Do I just let her cry if she wakes up now? I really think it has a lot to do with sticking to a nap schedule. When Tori was about a year, she was only taking two 30 minute naps. Not quite long enough for me! I bought this book called, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. This book is really hard to read. It usually puts me right to sleep! But I read the important parts and learned how to get Tori to nap longer. Basically, I had to let her cry after she woke up until she had been 'napping' a total of one hour. It really did not take long before she was sleeping for a full hour. Now she naps for two full hours. When I had Katie, I followed the guidelines for her age group. And now she is sleeping a full 12 hours at night! She is also crawling now. It is more of an Army low crawl, but she gets where she wants to and she is pretty fast. I walked into her room today after she woke up from her nap and she was standing up in her crib! This is the first time she has pulled herself up to a standing position. She loves her sisters very much. She looks for them when they are not around. And she greets them with big smiles. She is a bit of a stinker! She will not lay still for a diaper change and she DOES NOT LIKE her baths. But most of the time she is a sweet little baby and pretty easy going.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is she wearing that outfit with the denim flower on a yellow shirt? I remember Madeline wearing that. I loved that outfit. That is GREAT news about the sleeping - figures you get the hang of it when you are done having kids :) We miss you guys already. We need to get together again soon. Have a great Easter and a fun time at the beach.