Friday, September 12, 2008

Tori's First Day

Yesterday was Tori's first day of preschool. She did awesome! This day has been long awaited! She was so excited to start school.

IMG_7615 Off to school! What a big girl!

IMG_7621 I am trying hard not to compare this preschool to the perfect preschool that Alli went to in San Antonio. The schools here are so different............can't explain it- they are just different! But I am pleased with this preschool. And all that really matters is that Tori likes it. I want her to be in a loving environment where she has lots of fun and wants to go back every Tuesday and Thursday.

IMG_7622 Some help from her teacher.

IMG_7625 Ready to learn and have some fun!


While Tori was enjoying herself at school, Katie and I spent two hours at Target. It was great! I did not have to take any body to the restroom. I did not have to browse through the toys. And I did not have any one tell me that I wasn't fair for not buying them anything. I am sure these days will be short lived. Not long from now, Katie will be potty training. The mints, gum and rainbow Goldfish that I put into the cart upon her request will no longer seem like such a treat. And she will soon realize that there are a lot of toys in the store with the big red cart. But, I will enjoy it while it last!


Rachael said...

Tori looks adorable, hope she loves it!
sounds like Target was a treat today. I think I have it bad with one, ugh...only a few more weeks and I will think these days were a piece of cake right!?!?

Didi said...

Glad it went well!

Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

I love this - and I love her face - and remember..."perfect" is all in perception. :) Look at it through her eyes and it will be easier to free yourself of comparison...that is exactly how I stopped doing it in Nevada - because year one? I was the SAME as you. :)