Monday, August 11, 2008

A Missing Tooth

I took the girls to the dentist the other day for their cleanings. This was Tori's first dental appointment. She did great. My girls are always excited to go to the doctor or dentist.

Alli's teeth are looking great.

Tori has a little cavity right between her two back molars. Bummer! I really could not believe it! She is so good about letting us brush her teeth. But what surprised me more is that she is missing a tooth! She only has nine teeth on the bottom. One of her bicuspids never came in. They x-rayed her mouth to see if there is an adult tooth, but it was hard to tell. Probably because her mouth is still so small. How did I not notice? Well, I guess I never have actually counted her teeth. I just assumed they were all there!

IMG_7233 Showing off their sparkling clean teeth.


Rachael said...

I am missing a bottom tooth as well. As a kid we called it a double tooth (it sorta looked like two teeth joined together) but as an adult I am missing it completely.

Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

Julia is missing a tooth on bottom too because two of her front teeth fused together when they were just tooth buds, sometimes referred to as a "geminated tooth" - My kids just went last Monday and now that she is four - they took an x-ray and there are all four there in adult form...Jack went one time in McKinney and had NO cavities and the next 6 months later had FOUR cavities...I may have already told you that story - but it was the jelly beans I used to potty train him. He was trained though! HAHAHAHA - My surprise this time was that Jack had ALL FOUR six year molars - so he got the sealants on them while there last week! YIPPEE! Gotta love grown up teeth!! Now, if we would just floss...