Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Never Ending Breakfast

It is 7:30 am. The girls and I make our way into the kitchen. Tori immediately goes into the playroom to dress-up or color or play with ponies. Katie has been asking to eat since I took her out of her crib. So I get her breakfast first- a Health Valley cereal bar or cold cereal. She chooses cereal this morning.

Alli helps herself into the fridge. She stands there for 5 minutes before she asks if she can have pudding for breakfast.

Me- Sure. It has calcium. Tori, why don't you come and eat some breakfast.

Tori- Ok, Mama.

I pour my coffee. Make Pete's coffee. (He works from home most days of the week.)

I put a waffle in the toaster oven. Take a sip of coffee. Start to spread the peanut butter on my waffle.

Tori emerges from the playroom donned in her princess gear- a princess crown, a princess dress, princess shoes, and a wand.

Tori- Oh! A waffle with peanut butter! That is what I want for breakfast, Mommy.

Me- Sure. Here you go. You can have this one.

Alli- That looks good. Can I have one?

Me- Sure.

I put two more waffles in the toaster.

Katie- I bite. T-E! (This is how she says Tori) T-E! I bite!

Tori- Mom, Katie wants a waffle.

Me- Ok.

I take the two waffles out of the toaster. Spread peanut butter. Cut them up and give one to Alli and one to Katie.

I see Pete poking his head out of his office door.

Pete- Honey, would you mind putting two waffles in the toaster for me?

Me- Sure.

I put two more waffles in the toaster. I wait for the "ding". I put peanut butter on them. Alli and Tori want to play waitress. Alli carries the plate. Tori carries the napkin and fork.

Katie knocks over what was left in her cereal bowl.

I clean up the mess and promise myself that I will remember to pick up her bowl as soon as she is done tomorrow.

Tori- Mom! You did not give me a drink.

Me- Sorry, Tor. Do you want a sippy or a big girl cup. 

Tori- I want a big girl cup because I am a big girl.

Me- Yes you are.

I serve Tori her drink.

I put the last waffle in the toaster. Make it and quickly eat it before anyone needs anything else!

It is 8:55am.

Alli- Mom, I am still hungry. Can I have another waffle?

Me- Sure you can. Just make yourself, okay!

Tori- Mom, I need some more orange juice.

The breakfast that never ends!


Shannan Riemer said...

once a waitress always a waitress.

Amy said...

HAHA! It's just an endless cycle.
That's why I learned poptarts and Capri Suns are the way to go ;-)

Becky said...

girl, I totally hear you on that. That story makes me scarred of having three kids. Poor moms, we always get the last waffle!