Monday, June 16, 2008


Did I mention that I live in the tick capitol of NJ? Tick Capitol = Lyme Disease Capitol! Well, I do!! And it FREAKS ME OUT!

Tick number one was on the back of Katie's leg, right behind her knee. Tick number two was found on Pete's calf. And tick number three was on Alli's lower back. And it is not like they are rolling around in the grass! They were just outside playing!
I am not a totally "Green" person, but I try to do my part by using natural cleaners. I use Shaklee and love it. I also just use vinegar and baking soda a lot because Shaklee is good, but not as cheap as vinegar and baking soda! I recycle, buy organic fruits and veggies and meats (when they are not outrageously priced), and I do not spray pesticides all over my house or yard and I don't want to put insect repellant with DEET on my girls every day! BUT what is a concerned mom suppose to do?
I have friends who are from here and who are also a little "Green". They tell me that they just make it a habit to check their kids every night in the Spring and Summer. And so, luckily, I have been doing that! But I don't care if the tick has been on them for just an hour! (They say you lessen your chance of getting the disease if the tick is removed within 48 hours.) I don't want any Lyme Disease carrying tick on my kids or my husband or myself....or my dog!
So, do I spray pesticides on my yard to try to keep those darn things away? I guess I could look for a natural spray. But, my yard is would probably be a ton of money.

I like NJ. I like NJ. I like NJ. I like NJ. I like NJ. I like NJ..........if I keep saying it over and over, it might set in.


Amy said...

Good luck with all that!

Rachael said...

ugh, I hear ya. I have been looking for alternatives w/o deet BUT I think the effects of deet will be far less than the effcts of Lyme disease

jandacarter said...

Have you checked online? We had tick problems in VA too - with our dog and on Alison (I found 3 tiny ones on her HEAD and flipped out). I don't know if they make any sprays to keep them off and like you said treating the yard would cost a fortune (and would it really work?) I would say research in online and I agree with Rachael - deet is better than lyme disease! Good Luck!

~Morgan~ said...

Ugh...we had that problem in Vermont too. It's horrible. Well, we'll see you next week and then you can forget about ticks for a while!! :)

Shannan Riemer said...

YUK! Good Luck. Try to enjoy NJ while you are there but remember we have twice as many bugs in ants,scorpians,killer bees, ect.. I believe you can take on the ticks and win!

Catherine said...

I think it's great that you're talking about green cleaning products. It’s so important that we get all the toxic chemicals out of our houses. There’s a great summary of what toxins are in “traditional” home cleaners at this Very Healthy Life website. Pretty scary stuff!