Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Girls Love.....

I "interviewed" the girls so I could share what they love.

Alli Loves- glazed doughnuts, hanging out with her friends and her sisters (so funny that she says "hanging out"! Hello! You are 5! You play! You don't "hang out"!!), potato chips and Doritos, my MoMo, my mommy and daddy, my cousins, the beach, my Wii, apples, parties, cooking with my mommy, watermelon, coloring, gum, make-up, nail polish and Hannah Montana.

Tori Loves-my flip flops, the Busy Bee game, mommy and daddy, gummy worms, pink flowers, my doggy, and hamburgers. (I do not think she has EVER eaten a hamburger!)

Katie Loves (per Alli and Tori)- to play, to have her picture taken and her sisters. (They forgot to mention her paci's! And that she does love her mommy and daddy very much!)


Didi said...

So cute! Funny that you did this. I interviewed my niece and put her 14 loves as a comment to my 14 Things I Love post. It was so cute and for her to come up with 14--I was impressed. :)

Rachael said...

cute, cute! I had to do a blog about "love" too!

Amy said...

Oh this was so sweet!! Love their answers!