Monday, February 11, 2008

I have been TAGGED!

Ok- so here are six random thoughts/quirks/habits about me.

Ummm....what shall I say??

1. I avoid conflict. I do not like to argue. I will choose to keep my opinions to myself just for the sake of not arguing.

2. I HAVE TO wash my body twice when I shower. Once with regular bar soap and once with a bath wash from Bath and Body Works. And when I get out of the shower, I ALWAYS use at least two kinds of lotion, a moisturizing one and one from Bath and Body. This is probably the only quirky thing about me.....I think?

3. I use to be a neat freak. My good friend Jami was recently up here visiting. I spent a lot of time with Jami before I had children. I was ready to walk out the door and all of the breakfast dishes were still on the table. Jami reminded me that I use to not be able to  leave the house until everything was put in its place. Well, that all went away after the third baby....or maybe it was the first baby! I think I would go crazy if I tried to put everything away before I left the house. There is just never enough time! And I am so happy that I can now leave my house and not be bothered by the fact that I left dirty dishes in the sink.

4. When I am at home, which is pretty much everyday, I eat all day long......and this is why I do not ALLOW sweets in the house! My will power is GONE!

5. I drink a venti size coffee every morning. I love my morning coffee. I only brew Starbucks coffee and I have to buy it at is not as good when bought from the grocery store.

6. I love working out. I started exercising when I was 18 years old and haven't stopped. I am very grouchy when I miss a workout. Working out makes my days run smoother, makes me a better mommy and a better wife.

Ok- so now I tag Rachael, Shana and Sammy- aka Shannan. Sammy I know you JUST had a baby, but when you are awake at 3am feeding your precious baby, this will give you something to think about...instead of your sore nipples.

Thanks for the tag Laura!


Laura said...

Great job-- I too have to work out daily- I think you may some influnence on that

Didi said...

Great tag & great answers!

Rachael said...

#2-no wonder it takes you so long to get ready....HA HA just kidding!
I will get working on my answers!

Amy said...

Yeah the neatness got less and less with each kid! These were great answers!

Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

And do you use distilled water and the amount per ounce that they recommend with your Starbucks? :) I loved the BandBody Works quirk - that was funny...what is your favorite scent? I ask because I am a wear tester for their company...I just recently tested a musk scent for them and thought I was going to PUKE. HAHAHAHA :) I am a floral gal...

Shannan Riemer said...

Okay, I will post soon...