Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is not only Valentine's Day, but it is also Alli's 100th day of school. Yay! Because I can not wait until kindergarten is over! Half day kinder makes my daily life a bit hectic. She had to wear something with 100 of something on it. So we made a shirt with 100 hearts. Alli brought home her 100th day of school work. They were asked to complete the following sentences:

1. If I could eat 100 of something it would be     cotton candy.

2. If I had $100 I would buy     make-up.  GO FIGURE! Boy, am I going to have my hands full with this girl!

IMG_6199 IMG_6200 She is also showing off her new Webkinz that she got for Valentine's Day.

We have been getting a little bit of snow here. And the other day it snowed a lot! Thank goodness! We were finally able to use our sleds. It was so much fun! I have never done that before and the girls and I really had a great time. Alli and I got to go to the really big hill while my mom came back inside with the younger two. Alli wanted to go down the steepest hill.....I wasn't sure at first, but we did and it was so fun.



IMG_6191 You can't really see us, but that is Tori and me....nice trees though, right? We Texans really appreciate the big trees around here.


IMG_6152 The girls are really loving having MoMo here and so am I!


Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

I think my favorite thing you said here was "I have never done that before..." because that is the JOY of moving somewhere NEW...and to experience it for the first time right along with your girls is such a FUN! :)

Jennifer said...

And she is so pretty! Hopefully we can tame the make up before it gets out of control!

Looks like loads of fun! I know you are loving having MoMo visit - what a blessing!

Didi said...

Looks like y'all had a great day! Good job on the 100 hearts shirt!

Unknown said...

Do you remember when we went to Sea World and all she wanted was cotton candy and they were sold out in the entire park???

Amy said...

Oh how fun!! I'm jealous, one day I'll get to go sledding too!

Shannan Riemer said...

bubbles in the winter. nice!